• Save money on tickets

    Passes, ticket cards & giftcards

    Prices at Leo's

    When you buy tickets in advance online, you'll get each ticket at a discounted price. At the same time, you can check out the prices of admission tickets. They vary depending on the playground, the day, and the time. Pick the one that suits you best and then just dash off to have some fun!

    Buy tickets & book a playtime

    More play - less pay

    At Leo’s, we’re all about fun and movement! That’s why we’ve come up with various tickets so that both kids and adults can visit us as often as possible. And hey, bring the whole family along! Plus, double the fun! Tickets, passes, and gift cards are also valid at HopLop parks all over Finland.

    Annual and season passes

    These are so handy! A pass opens the doors to adventures whenever the mood strikes. Your child can visit the playground every day during the validity of the pass. Annual passes are available for different ages and at different prices. Get your pass today and then it’s just full speed ahead!

    Read more about passes

    Ticket cards

    Super fun entrance tickets! With these in your pocket, you’ll be off to Leo’s in no time! The tickets are loaded with multiple entries. For example, a 4 x ticket card includes 4 entries, valid on all days and times.

    Read more about ticket cards


    This gift won’t be gathering dust in the corner! Give a Leo’s gift card and watch the recipient’s paws start to tap with excitement! With a Leo’s gift card, they can buy tickets, delicious food, tasty snacks, or fun products from Leo’s shop.

    Read more about giftcards